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Expansion and optimization of an integration component

Brief description

As part of the market conformity check, prices from external price providers are required on a daily basis. This data is supplied to the market conformity check system via a DataBus. This bus combines data from different sources into a target file so that the data can be imported via a standard interface of the target system. Within the scope of the project, the DataBus, its logging and notification process will be extended and optimized.


New workflows will be added to DataBus, the data flow of existing workflows will be adapted, and the logging and notification process will be optimized.

Subject description

To perform the market conformity check, data from external price providers are required as reference rates on a daily basis. The system with which the rates are checked offers a standardized interface for the import. The supply files of the external price providers must first be adapted to this standard or enriched with missing data. An integration interface between the external price providers and the rate control ensures the creation of the necessary files.


Project start19.05.2021

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