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Expansion of the internal booking process to include the price brake for gas and electricity

Brief description

Due to the introduction of statutory energy cost relief for gas and electricity customers, energy trading companies need to reflect this relief in their automated billing processes. For this purpose, the existing internal booking logic will be extended so that the electricity/gas price brake can be reflected in the bookings. In addition, an adjustment must be made to the document creation of the billing documents in order to display the relief in documents for the customer.


The master data system is an internal .NET solution with an MS SQL Server connection and a BizTalk communication interface to the SAP systems, in which all posting processes take place. The postings are generated in the master data system and sent to the SAP system. In order for the price brake to be mapped correctly, the posting generation must be extended so that, in the event of a relief, an additional posting is generated that credits the corresponding accounts with the correct amounts. It must also be ensured that the additional postings are correctly displayed and processed in the master data system. To ensure that the associated posting documents correctly reflect the price brake, the document generation by SQL Server Reporting Services must be adapted.

Subject description

As a result of the enormous rise in energy prices, the German government has decided to reduce energy costs for citizens and companies with the electricity and price brake. Energy trading companies are therefore faced with the challenge of applying this relief in the billing of electricity and gas costs to their customers and reporting them in their accounts. The automation and integration of this billing into the existing billing processes is a matter of course for the customer due to the many advantages.


Project start01.10.2023

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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