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Extension of a planning system for power plant decommissioning

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

The enhancements to the existing intranet application for planning a power plant decommissioning serve to ensure the quality of the information entered. For example, the application workflows are supported by additional technical validations and input checks in order to offer application users more targeted assistance with data input and decisions. The reports provided will be fundamentally optimized in terms of layout and data content in order to provide internal as well as external stakeholders with appropriate information for reviewing and implementing deconstruction measures. In addition, an improvement in change tracking will take place through the use of automatic historizations at the database level.


In addition to the adjustments to the application interface, the enhancements affect the reports provided on the basis of SQL Reporting Services as well as the data management directly. In this area, SQL Server temporal tables are used specifically to ensure largely automated and easy-to-use historization by the data management itself. The work carried out includes all activities of conception, evaluation and developmental implementation of the application enhancements up to the handover to the future operation.

Subject description

The advantage of the enhancements for the customer is an increase in quality in the planning, inspection and execution of dismantling measures.


Project period01.05.2022 - 30.09.2022

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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