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Fax connection for agency software

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

Functional and technical design and implementation of the connection for fax support in the agency management and information system. The flexibly designed integration software can be used to communicate with different hardware solutions for sending and receiving faxes. This gives users access to the full range of fax services directly from their PC workstations.


When implementing the fax solution, one focus is on the option of addressing different hardware products. For example, documents can be sent via multifunctional printers with integrated fax, USB fax devices or an efficient centralized fax server. All the necessary changes to the user interfaces and the associated logic are implemented with Delphi or Object Pascal. A Sybase SQL Anywhere database is used for data storage.

Subject description

Faster document exchange between the parties involved in a business process not only means reduced processing time, it is also an important step towards improving customer orientation. In order to achieve this, a fax connection is added to the agency management and information system. This gives insurance representatives the option of sending all the documents they create or have in electronic form by fax. In addition to sending individual documents, it is also possible to group together documents in a single fax and send them together. Integrating the fax function in the agency management and information system enables users to allocate fax documents directly to customers in the system and to operate different workflows within the agency simultaneously.


Project period01.03.2005 - 31.07.2005

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Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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