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Feasibility study for laboratory systems

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

A feasibility study is carried out to check whether the customer's existing framework is able to fulfill all of the GUI's requirements. At the same time, a software architecture is modeled and implemented for data access from the GUI via Web services to the database. The feasibility study highlights the lack of user controls and results in a prototype that uses the reference architecture.


Due to the many issues that need to be covered by the feasibility study, the project team is divided into two smaller teams. One group deals exclusively with implementing the dialogs on the basis of Silverlight and C#. The aims of this group are to determine whether there are missing elements in the customer's existing GUI framework and to define best practices for dialog development. The second group handles the modeling and implementation of the reference architecture by means of prototypes. The aim here is to check and improve the modeled architecture. An iterative procedure proved to be useful, making it possible to define sub-goals on a weekly basis and check these.

Subject description

TThe graphical user interface for existing laboratory middleware is to be redesigned and implemented with Silverlight. The functions of the existing application are to be retained, as far as possible. The business logic is set up in the database. The aim of the project is to check the feasibility of the upcoming GUI redesign for the laboratory middleware, taking the given customer framework and reference architecture into account.


Project period17.08.2010 - 29.10.2010

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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