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FHIR ePrescription

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

The electronic prescription of medicines (e-prescription) will be supported in doctors' practices from mid-2021. For this purpose, the KBV has specified the electronic prescription (KBV model 16) in FHIR, gematik has specified the electronic receipt for this purpose, and the ABDA has specified the electronic dispensing data in FHIR. PTA has implemented the TA7/e billing data in FHIR via its customer on behalf of the GKV-Spitzenverband. FHIR is establishing itself as an important standard for data exchange in the health sector.


The HL7 standard FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is used as the preferred data exchange format in healthcare. With the tools simplifier.NET and Forge, formats can be implemented promptly. As an FHIR expert, the PTA contributed in an advisory capacity to the creation of the electronic prescription and electronic dispensing data through analysis and commentary. The FHIR implementation of the technical annex 7 (TA7, specification of data transport) and the electronic billing data was carried out entirely by PTA.

Subject description

The electronic prescription of medicinal products (e-prescription) is to replace the paper prescription from mid-2021. The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) has specified the electronic prescription (model 16) for this purpose. gematik has specified the electronic receipt and the Federal Association of German Pharmacy Associations (ABDA) has specified the electronic dispensing data. PTA has specified the TA7/e billing data via its customer for the Spitzenverband Bund der Krankenkassen (GKV-Spitzenverband).


Project period04.01.2021 - 31.03.2021

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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