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Further development LIS Blood Depot

Brief description

The customer's laboratory information system is sold around the world. As part of the project, the requirements for international markets such as Switzerland and Southeast Asia are implemented. This includes recording, analyzing and describing the requirements, and designing the software, as well as implementation, validation and verification. Rollout projects are also supported.


Because of the internationalization of the software, the installation routine had to be changed. The refactoring of the whole source code brought a huge improvement of the graphical user interface but also the maintanance of the according source code.

Subject description

When enlarging the installation base of a laboratory information system from Germany to other countries or regions, particular attention must be paid to the operating sequences mapped in the software. Furthermore, other regulatory and legal framework conditions require new functions and operating sequences to be implemented. In particular, the special legal features of other countries lead to modified operating sequences, such as implementing and adjusting the computer-assisted "type and screen" functions. The use of other calendars and complex typefaces also creates the need for adjustments.


Project start01.11.2007

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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