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Further development measured data management

Project duration: 21 days

Brief description

Further development of an Access 2010 application for managing measured values of engine component prototypes: changing layout of output measurement sheets to landscape format; direct export of measurement sheets to PDF (automatic file name generation); optional selection of additional columns to be output, changing the name and arrangement of measurement points.

Subject description

The department receives orders from external and internal customers for measurements of prototype parts of engine component parts (rings, bolts) after testing. Different measurement values are recorded for different measurement points and entered in the application. Per order, different measurement sheets are issued for the customer with measurement data and planned values are issued as PDF files that are combined manually into a PDF document.


Project period28.10.2011 - 18.11.2011

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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