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Further development of microbiology LIS

Brief description

A modular, customer-specific laboratory information system covers work processes for microbiological analysis, among other things. Based on the market enhancement, further development and support for this module are decisive for the customer who receives support from requirement creation, to development and verification and rollout.


Based on the customer-specific error management process, deviations and errors are entered in ClearQuest, evaluated and implemented. New requirements are entered in the Enterprise Architect modeling tool and verification and publishing is planned and monitored in the HP Quality Center.

Subject description

The market expansion into South-East Asia requires support for complex fonts and alternative calendar systems. The lower automation level of the laboratories means implementation of new functions or a change to existing functions. Regulatory framework conditions for monitoring measurements, results and software interactions require further changes.


Project start01.07.2007

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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