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Group-wide risk management in Endur: connection of other German group subsidiaries

Project duration: 10 months

Brief description

Addition of six more internal customers to an Endur instance operating as a central credit risk management system for the subsidiaries of a large energy corporation. Connection of heterogeneous external systems for individual companies, analysis of delivered data, calculation and formatting of risk key figures, interfaces with other systems (e.g. reporting, limit monitoring, checking of new transactions).


Standardization of risk key figure determination (replacement of local solution with the corporation standard). Addition of six further clients to an Endur instance: Master data, market data, reflection of business structures, value-at-risk approaches, calculation scripts for risk key figures, connection of interfaces for data import/export, reporting, end-of-day processing, setup and management of user roles. Technical and functional test support, go-live support, creation of training documents, end user training, support.

Subject description

Addition of six further German regional companies. Inclusion of the new clients in the group-wide risk key figure calculation, technical design and implementation of calculation for further key figures, plausibility check of deviation compared to the old systems of the individual companies.


Project period01.08.2009 - 31.05.2010

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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