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GUI optimisation for an existing Charging app

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

A new and UX-based interaction concept is created for an existing app that has already been tested by pilot customers. The starting point for this is the derivation of usage objects from the known usage scenarios in the usage context of the pilot customers. There is also an initial risk assessment of possible errors during operation.


In order to avoid having to go through the entire UX and usability engineering process to derive usage objects from the known and anticipated usage scenarios, a lean UX approach is chosen. Tangible and easily explained usage objects are derived from the verbal descriptions of the usage context and from other, already existing documentation, and supplemented from a technical point of view. All known nouns are ultimately combined into several variants of an information architecture of usage objects. Identified actions serve as a template for the use and naming of app functions. Based on a cross-platform layout and interaction concept for smartphone apps that was also created, several product variants are outlined in a LoFi (Low Fidelity Prototype/Wireframe in PowerPoint). Graphic designs complement the concept.

Subject description

The central usage object 'loading process' is selected by the marketing department. On this basis, the layout and interaction paths are specified in more detail. The GUI objects, features and user stories derived in this way are incorporated into Azure DevOps for further development. As part of the acceptance process, the user stories are validated using a usability checklist, which also includes accessibility criteria. A risk assessment is carried out for the anticipated operating errors and appropriate countermeasures are derived.


Project period01.01.2022 - 31.05.2022

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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