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Health insurance premium adjustment

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

The project is located in the digitization of processes that focus on customer interaction. In this use case, the consulting assistant specializes in explaining the premium adjustment for health insurances. The interactive video consultation and the direct approach give the user the feeling of a personal consultation. The unpleasant topic of a premium adjustment is conveyed emotionally positively, which increases customer satisfaction.


The guidance assistant is implemented as an Angular application with a .Net Core backend and allows the creation of customisable guidance processes. This project is an internal demo process for use in sales, which is used to demonstrate the performance and possible applications of the Digital Guidance Assistant to customers and interested parties.

Subject description

Customers are targeted individually to convey the information about the adjust of an insurance premium. This includes a link to a landingpage with the interactive digital video assistant. The assistant explains the different aspects of a premium calculation and adjustment which positively influences the customer satisfaction.


Project period07.03.2022 - 18.05.2022

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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