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Implementation- Control Software of a Laboratory Device for Automated Sample Preparation

Brief description

New development of control software for robots for automated sample preparation in the laboratory environment. The customer's existing control software is outdated and no longer compatible with the current requirements of the laboratory environment. After successfully completing the requirements analysis, PTA is responsible for the new development of the software, consulting the customer, setting up the system environment and introducing an ALM tool.


In the project, software based on web technologies (Angular frontend, .NET Core backend) is developed to control a device for automated sample preparation. The application can be operated stand-alone or controlled and integrated by third-party applications through an interface. PTA provides customer consulting, requirements engineering, project management as well as the development of the application. The customer is actively involved in the development from the beginning and will take over development work step by step. In addition to development, PTA will take over the implementation of SpiraTeam as ALM for managing requirements and test cases.

Subject description

The new software to be developed controls a robot that prepares samples for chromatographic analyses and injects them into the chromatpgraphy systems. This involves complex workflows that include not only transports and pipetting steps, but also the control of various attachments that can, for example, shake, heat, cool, evaporate, mix. The optimal control of these different sample preparation steps as well as the nesting of the processing of different samples, for example to efficiently use waiting times or centrifugation times, is the task of the software. End customers usually design their sample preparation themselves and optimize it for their instrument constellation, so the software must be very flexible in its configuration. The integration in the laboratories is very diverse, the complete spectrum from the configuration of an individual sample preparation to the automated control of the software via standardized interfaces must be mapped.

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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