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Implementation LNG trading

Project duration: 1 year

Brief description

The customer would like to expand its LNG business and, to this end, support and document all relevant process steps in his IT Systems. The tasks include analysis, deal modelling and design in Endur, implementation of a correct pricing, consulting, support during the first deals to be captured as well as the transfer to regular operation.


The focus is on manual recording of deals in Endur. The possible use of separate LNG and ship logistics systems and a related interface will be addressed at a later stage.

Subject description

Within the scope of its gas trading activities, the customer wishes to supplement the classic gas supply contracts with LNG deliveries. The focus here is on ship deliveries, LNG resale and re-gasification for further transport by pipeline.

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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