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Integrating an Austrian energy trading company into the existing system landscape

Project duration: 1 year, 1 month

Brief description

In order to integrate an Austrian energy trading company into the existing system landscape, the differences between the German and Austrian energy markets are analyzed. The resulting system requirements are implemented in the course of adjustments.


Necessary adjustments and further development of the system are stored as a specialist logic in Transact SQL procedures in an MS SQL server 2003 database. Furthermore, the business logic of the user interface is mapped using Visual Basic for Applications in MS Access 2002.

Subject description

Certain characteristics of the Austrian energy market are markedly different from the German energy market. Essentially, these differences are connected to the "E-Control" regulator. Unlike the German energy market, in Austria, price controls are regulated by law. These differences create new requirements for the existing system. The main tasks are a detailed review of the differences and implementing these into new requirements. Further tasks are connected to project organization and coordination.


Project period01.06.2004 - 30.06.2005

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Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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