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Interface for an energy data management system

Project duration: 6 months

Brief description

Developing an interface between an individually-developed access application from the power trading company and standard software for the energy data management system.


The task requires an initial analysis of business processes and of the application developed individually by the power trading company. After coordinating / synchronizing the business processes in the two systems, various modifications / enhancements shall be made to the application and the data model for an XML-based data transfer. One or more notifications shall be logged for the relevant data changes and these notifications shall be transferred in asynchronous communication via the Microsoft BizTalk server to the energy data management system. The processing status of each notification is then reported back. Faultily processed data records can be processed in the individually-developed software from the power trading company, according to the cause of the fault.

Subject description

The power trading company decided to offer its customers power supply via "network access" in addition to supply via "provision". The additional functions are procured by purchasing standard software for energy data management. The standard software is supplied with all the relevant data about customers, meters, network access contracts etc. via the interface.


Project period05.01.2003 - 08.07.2003

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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