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Interface migration of shell scripts to the AWS Cloud

Project duration: 4 months

Brief description

PTA supports the migration of interface functions from an on-premise Linux server to an AWS cloud-based infrastructure. The data transfer is between host systems and Oracle databases. Linux shell scripts are used for processing. The migration is carried out while largely retaining the previous scripts and processes. The first step involves setting up the necessary infrastructure in the AWS Cloud and the transfer paths. Based on this, the shell scripts are transferred to the new environment and necessary changes are implemented.


The migration is necessary because onpremise servers will be decommissioned at the customer in the future. The previous direct data transfer from the host to the Linux via Connect:Direct is no longer possible in this form. IBM Sterling File Gateway is therefore used for data transfer between the host and the AWS Cloud. In the new infrastructure, there is also a strict separation between data storage and processing logic. The transfer files to be processed are stored in a S3 (simple service storage) bucket. Proccessing is done using an AWS Lambda function, which is triggered when a new file is getting uploaded to the S3 bucket. Then it calls the shell scripts in the EC2 instance and the data gets written to an oracle database.

Subject description

The interface is used to transfer contract and agent data.


Project period01.09.2023 - 31.12.2023

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