This is one of 4432 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

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Project duration: 3 years, 3 months

Brief description

Development of an IoT platform with a focus on the areas of energy and urban development. The main use cases include managing IoT devices and analyzing the associated sensor data. PTA provides front-end support in implementing the resulting requirements.


The platform is developed on the front-end side using VS.Code, AzureDevOps and Vue.js. Vuetify is used as the UI component library, which enables a Google Material-compliant GUI. Apexcharts is used to display different types of evaluation graphics

Subject description

In addition to managing and configuring IoT devices and gateways, access rights, rights roles and client and account structures are also processed via the portal. Dashboards and reporting can be used to display and compare different data time series in various forms. Automated rules and schedules can be used to import and export data and trigger alarms.

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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