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Laboratory Information System (LIS) – Dictionary Server

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

The Dictionary Server is an internal development and support the creation, localization, validation and versioning of texts in the laboratory information system and their translations, and forms the interface between the development and translation department.


Development of a Dictionary Servers to manage translation of texts in the laboratory information system. In order for the application to support the different languages, it must be possible to uniquely reference all application texts and can be exported for translation and then imported. An XML-based interface to an external translation tool is implemented.

Subject description

The Dictionary Server is an internal development and support the creation, localization, validation and versioning of texts in the laboratory information system and their translations, and forms the interface between the development and translation department. The project consists of planning, creation of the classes and data model (EA Enterprise Architect), documentation and creation of training documents for developers and translators, as well as the implementation of the system and porting of the legacy data.


Project period01.03.2008 - 31.10.2008

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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