Maintenance and further development of planning tool II
Project duration: 1 year
Brief description
The planning tool developed under project ID 2657 is revised and functionally enhanced. Changes to the organizational structure are directly reflected in the planning tool. New attributes are introduced. Migrations to the new platform are carried out.
Due to the company-wide introduction of Windows 7 and Office 2010, the Excel applications have to be migrated. The upgrade of the WebSphere application server to version 8 requires the Java application’s server components to be migrated.
Subject description
The planning tool is made available to users in a specific time frame for quarterly planning. Due to its use around the world, 24/7 availability has to be guaranteed during this time frame. Data for existing contracts is made available from the posting system. Individual contracts can be created again, canceled or deleted with the planning tool. Planning the contracts aggregated into portfolios is divided into three parts. First, the user can manually correct the actual status. Various parameters, each of which defines a business case, are used to carry forward the percentage changes to the premiums, costs and damages that form the basis for calculating the other key figures. After this, targeted adjustments can be made. Pivot evaluations are used to visualize the complete plans. The updated planning data forms the basis for subsequent plans in the phase that follows.