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Market communication 2022 process adjustments

Brief description

Process adjustments are made for innovations in market communication. As the meter operator, the customer assumes the central role in market communication on the electricity market. The adjustments relate primarily to the creation and processing of the necessary market news.


Several of the customer's systems were affected by the adjustments, including the central master data application and the recording system for measured values and the energy data information system. Due to constantly changing requirements on the part of the BDEW, the customer's own system for market communication requires continuous adaptation and further development.

Subject description

The central components of the necessary process adjustments relate to the recording, securing and provision of the exact times of the measured values used. In the future, a distinction will be made between meter reading date, execution or change time and time of use. This distinction has a direct impact on existing specialist processes and requires the optimization of processes and the organization of meter readings and energy quantities. After completion, a handover to the customer's internal IT department takes place.

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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