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Mass change of payment terms for debtors

Project duration: 13 days

Brief description

Conversion of payment terms of customer master data according to the requirements of the client.


First, a comprehensive analysis of the affected customers is carried out and then all master records are summarized in Excel format. The mass change of the payment terms in the customer master records is performed with LSMW tool (Legacy System Migration Workbench). For this purpose, a corresponding LSMW project is created and first tested in the QAS system. Subsequently, the terms of payment are implemented in the productive system.

Subject description

The department has previously negotiated new payment-terms with their customers. At the same time, the grace days (previously five days) were removed, so that the new payment-terms apply from the base- date/document-date without additional grace days being added. In order to avoid the manual effort, the old payment-terms are to be replaced in the customer master data using a mass run.


Project period10.02.2022 - 23.02.2022

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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