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Measurements data management

Project duration: 11 months

Brief description

Creation of a database application for the management and presentation of measurements and satellite data from telecommunications. This implementation uses .NET and SQL Server 2000.


Additional development of a framework program for exporting and resaving measurement values and spectrums between a signal analyzer via the IEEE bus and the SQL database with measurement results. Implementation is carried out using C++ and SQL Server 2000.

Subject description

After entry of satellite data depending on the available data, the calculation, evaluation, checking and saving of measured values from the wireless-technical area such as power flux density, frequency, bandwidth, polarization, satellite rail data and geographic coordinates. Measurement results can be exported selectively as required by the customer and displayed via a separate playback module.


Project period09.02.2004 - 31.12.2004

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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