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Migration IT user administration

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

An IT solution for the central administration of IT users and their system authorisations based on MS Access, which has grown over several decades, will be replaced by an intranet system based on .Net 5.0. In addition to the technological modernisation, significant simplifications in application operation, optimisations in the processing sequence and medium-term savings in the technical maintenance of the system are expected. Through intensive preparatory work such as user workshops, the PTA ensures that the required functionalities are optimally tailored to the company's needs and sensibly supported with current technologies. The technical implementation is the responsibility of the PTA as well. Permanent coordination with key users ensures a focus on a smooth and rapid provision of the new system.


The new IT system uses the existing database (managed in MS SQL Server databases), which is only expanded selectively to ensure temporary parallel operation. In addition to using this dedicated database, information from the central personnel master is accessed. Furthermore, standardised interfaces to the Active Directory as well as to Siemens ID Center as a biometrics solution are controlled. The application uses current ASP MVC core technologies supplemented by UI / JavaScript libraries such as Bootstrap 4.0, jquery and ag-grid. The JavaScript component ag-grid is used for the tabular display of the central personnel master and authorisation information as well as for the efficient connection of functionalities in the UI.

Subject description

The system is used for central access control to the company's IT systems and consolidates information from the central HR master data, the Active Directory and the company's biometric access control. Integrated into the internal ITSM processes, person-related system accesses are activated as well as deactivated manually or through defined events. In addition, the system forms the basis for monitoring IT access, especially for supervisory authorities.


Project period01.11.2021 - 31.12.2021

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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