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Migration tool for test cases to SAP Solution Manager

Project duration: 10 months

Brief description

Setup of a tool for migrating existing test cases of a legacy test database system to the test workbench of the SAP Solution Manager. As well as for 1-1 migration, the tool can also be used to edit test cases. This is easy to do with Drag&Drop. Tests with 1-n test steps can be migrated.


The tool is based on .NET 2.0 (C#) and is created using VS 2005 Professional. It accesses the SQL Server 2005 database of the TestDB systems and generates MS Word files in Solution Manager format (predefined template). The files created are then configured manually in Solution Manager and overwritten electronically (this is why the upload is manual).

Subject description

For strategic reasons, the customer's IT department has replaced the former coordinating test management system for use in the SAP environment and will use SAP Solution Manager in future. The tool is set up so that it is not necessary to completely redefine test cases in the SAP systems and so that knowledge accrued over the years can be transferred to the new system.


Project period01.03.2009 - 31.12.2009

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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