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Mother-Child software package

Project duration: 2 years, 5 months

Brief description

Two modules of a software for medical practices are developed in this project. In order to document meidcal information related to pregnancy, th module mother's maternity card is implemented. The second is the child's medical card. Both modules can receive and send data as HL7-based XML conforming to the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) standard.


The Practice Management System (PMS) is based on a three-layer architecture consisting of a WinForms client, an application server based on the http.sys core driver and an SQL 2005 database server. Web services based on WSE 3.0 are used to enable communication between the client and the application server. The application consists of a framework application and a series of modules that exist as assemblies (DLL) and are loaded to the application during runtime. A server and a client module are developed for both the mother's record of prenatal care and the child's examination record – these modules encompass the full required functionality. And import and export interface is prepared based on HL7-compliant XML documents in accordance with the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA). Development is performed in C# based on the .NET 2.0 framework. Parts of the code were generated directly using VBA from the project documentation recorded in Excel.

Subject description

The legally-required mother's record of prenatal care is used in Germany to provide medical documentation of the complete pregnancy and the birth, as well as to plan certain preventive examinations. The mother's record module reflects the paper document fully and can be used to enter around 500 different pieces of data on a pregnancy. There are also input options for data that are not currently documented in the mother's record, but which are highly relevant for the doctor involved. The child's examination record is used to record ten preventive examinations performed on children up to the age of 14. The child's examination record reflects the paper document fully and can be used to enter around 600 different pieces of medical data.


Project period25.07.2006 - 31.12.2008

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Key Account Manager

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