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Partner integration in MS Dynamics processes

Project duration: 4 months

Brief description

In order to realize the heat transition propagated by the German government, the customer wants to involve regional tradespeople in the installation of heating solutions in existing and new buildings. To do this, the existing processes in MS Dynamics need to be opened up to the partners and made available in a separate app. At the same time, it must be ensured that the partners can only access the installations that are intended for them.


The various partners have fixed territories, offer installation and service for certain manufacturers and have different capacities. This must be taken into account when selecting partners and a fair distribution among the partners must also be ensured. The partners should be able to acquire customers as easily as possible and pass them on to the sales department as leads.

Subject description

The following characteristics are maintained in a partner's account: How many installations he can provide per year, month and calendar week for the products heat pumps and district heating. In which zip codes can they offer this, for which manufacturers and in which time period. The installation on site at the customer's premises is divided into various work steps, all or some of which can be carried out by one partner. This is taken into account when planning the installation and, if necessary, the tasks at the customer's premises are distributed among different partners. A separate canvas app is programmed for customer acquisition by the partners, which enables customer data to be entered using a form and creates a relationship between the customer and partner for subsequent incentivization.

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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