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Planning tool

Project duration: 2 months

Brief description

Further development and redesign of a database application for cost planning and scheduling for employees or projects within groups. The previous Access solution is to be made available to a larger group of users after technical (e.g. improved user guidance) and functional revision (e.g. displaying days of absence).


The PTA Access standard framework is used for the further development. The modules of the previous Access application are imported to the PTA Access standard framework and revised there. Selected data is made available in MS Excel format for further evaluation.

Subject description

The demand for better project controlling, especially in terms of target/actual comparisons, involves the need to precisely record and plan the existing or needed resources for a project. In addition to target and actual data for the projects and employees, days of attendance and absence by internal and external employees in a group play a prominent role in scheduling. Only with this information is it possible to determine whether the tasks can be completed on time with the available resources. The application makes it possible to display different reporting periods. In addition to the current calendar year and the next year, the data for previous years is also stored.


Project period01.07.2005 - 31.08.2005

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