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Preliminary study for use of the Seeburger Business Integration server

Project duration: 24 days

Brief description

Support for the customer, regarding the changeover from the existing EDI system landscape to the technology of the Seeburger Business Integration Servers (BIS).


The technological basis for the customer’s new EDI system landscape is the Seeburger Business Integration Server 6, including Business Integration Converter and Mapping Designer. Based on the expertise in knowhow transfer within PTA group regarding the technological base, the customer is introduced to the use of BIS6, possible 1st-level support and the feasibility of conversion of the EDI interfaces within a quality-secured deployment process.

Subject description

The existing EDI interfaces are organized decentrally and are based on different standards and technologies. The future system landscape includes the Seeburger BIS6 as a central communication platform and should also provide a quality-assured deployment process via which current interfaces can be converted to BIS6, and future EDI interfaces and interface changes can be easily implemented and integrated with the existing system landscape.


Project period22.01.2013 - 15.02.2013

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Gerd Minners, ein Mann mit kurzen Haaren

Matthias Schmitt

Head of Logistics

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