This is one of 4432 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

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Procurement planning

Project duration: 1 year, 3 months

Brief description

The system for procurement planning represents a centralized working environment for purchasers. The system is supplied daily with up-to-date data from two operative systems via an interface.


Data from the quotation process (costs database) and from processing (Baan TRITON) is integrated into this system. A prototype is created as the basis for discussions with the specialist department. In addition to design, implementation and launch, the project includes user training and ongoing support. As part of the user support service, the interface with the processing system is adjusted from Baan TRITON to SAP.

Subject description

The application supports purchasers with an optimized procurement process. Components from the quotation stage (planned costs) that are to be procured are merged in a work environment with deliveries of these components that have already taken place (prices from earlier projects). This enables an overview of the supplier, budget and target purchasing or selling prices for each individual component. The individual components can be consolidated into project-related overviews, thereby helping project controlling.


Project period01.11.1997 - 15.02.1999

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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