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Program migrations

Project duration: 7 months

Brief description

Design and coordination of the test for migrating approximately 800 CSP programs to PL/1. The programs are online dialogs created as 3270 screens for a mainframe. The programs are used to process various business administration tasks, some of which are business-critical.


CSP was introduced by the customer in 1992 and is no longer supported by IBM. About 800 online dialogs are migrated by means of automatic conversion, carried out by a third-party provider in multiple packages and iterations. The individual test phases are based on these. In other words, only after a reference test of a defined sample has been passed can the wider test take place. The tests are made traceable and reproducible by setting up a dedicated test environment with a defined data set that can be returned to its initial status at any time.

Subject description

Converting CSP program affects a wide range of business processes. This includes, for example, central tasks such as procurement, scheduling, logistics, inventory management, inventory sampling and warranty processing. The primary task of testing is therefore to ensure that the programs' functions are retained 1:1. Additionally, online dialogs must neither have different functional characteristics nor look different after the migration. The test concept therefore recommends a multi-stage, iterative procedure. One other core aspect is the description of requirements for creating test cases, test sequences and test scenarios to be provided by user representatives on the basis of the CSP dialogs.


Project period12.03.2003 - 15.10.2003

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Retail sector manager

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