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Property valuation

Project duration: 1 year, 3 months

Brief description

Development of a valuation and information system for real estate with the help of standardized specifications. The system is used to determine the revenue and market value of real estate as the basis for lending. The valuation criteria include the loan amount or risks from structural defects and insufficient maintenance, for example.


The system is implemented at various levels. VB 6.0 is used to develop the user interfaces and the decentralized business process logic. The user interfaces have to be integrated into the bank's own user interface. A DB2 database on the mainframe is responsible for storing the data. A proprietary persistence layer is used for communication between the mainframe and the decentralized components. In the course of nightly batch processing on the mainframe, the data is consolidated and processed further.

Subject description

Awarding loans to finance real estate always entails risks for the credit institute; these risks take different forms, depending on the property. To make the identification, calculation and evaluation of project risks for developer and investor properties objective and standardized within the credit institute, it is necessary to create a standardized procedure. The property valuation system supports the necessary processes of creating expert reports, planning and controlling by collecting the required data and evaluating it. The system also forms the basic system for Property developer controlling II (project ID 263).


Project period01.09.1998 - 30.11.1999

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Joachim Schütter, ein Mann in einem Anzug

Joachim Schütter

Key Account Manager

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