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Quality assurance and acceptance Contract management

Brief description

Quality assurance and testing of a new contract management system to be developed, including migration of legacy data and integration into the system landscape. In addition to supporting test management, key tasks include checking requirements for consistency and creating test cases, performing tests, analyzing errors, and documenting results. The project is part of a multi-year program to replace a Cobol-based legacy system and modernize the IT landscape.


MS Azure DevOps is used as the test management system. Database-based tests and analyses are performed with the PSQL Control Center or Oracle SQL Developer. Confluence is used as a platform for internal and cross-team documentation. In the first step of the new development of the contract management, the property insurance line of business will be implemented first. In parallel to the contract administration, the CRM system (see project ID 4627), which is now in production, will be further developed in separate subprojects, and the claims administration and the system around premiums and their billing and settlement will be redeveloped. In parallel with the preparation and implementation of individual acceptance releases, end-to-end scenarios are being developed in the form of test cases, which are intended to ensure, especially in the later system integration phase, that the processes and the interaction of the various system components function as expected.

Subject description

Contract management is used to record and process the data of insurance contracts between customers and insurers. This covers the entire life cycle of a contract and includes, among other things, data such as validities, insurer participations, insurance conditions, coverages, premiums, further freely defined inclusions, etc. For billing processes and claims handling, it is important that contracts can be stored in an audit-proof manner in the form of seamlessly consecutive contract statuses or knowledge statuses.


Project start01.06.2021

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