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Quality assurance for specialist application midwife directory

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

The specialist application Midwives Directory (HAV) forms the framework for processing the customer's statutory tasks. It consists of 4 core modules which are divided according to tasks. During the development of the 4 modules, attention was paid to their independence. The maintenance of the master data is partly done in an overlapping way. Interaction between the individual modules is limited to the most necessary. The existing specialized application Midwives Directory (HAV) has been developed starting in 2012 with the replacement of the Access solution for the maintenance of the contract partner list. The PTA provides the necessary quality assurance during the project development.


The quality assurance of the project is based on a use case oriented creation of test cases in a test flow chart (Excel table). The use cases are maintained in Confluence. The application is finally tested manually using end-to-end tests in a QA environment and any bugs are documented in Jira. In addition, inaccuracies in use cases are identified during the creation of test cases and these are specified accordingly. Furthermore, accessibility issues are also taken into account as part of quality assurance.

Subject description

The specialist application consists of a total of four separate modules, each of which fulfills different tasks: In the module List of contracted maternity facilities, all maternity facilities that are allowed to bill the statutory health insurance funds are listed. In addition, the evaluations from the statistical survey forms of the birth centers are kept in the module. All contracted midwives are listed in the module Contractual Partner List. The professional associations provide the customer with a monthly list of contracted midwives, which is imported into the specialist application. The third module, Security Surcharge, contains the administration of the security surcharge paid to midwives. Finally, the last module, Quality Assurance, manages the random checks of the registered midwives.


Project period06.06.2022 - 20.01.2023

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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