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Quality assurance for specialist application prequalification procedure

Project duration: 1 month

Brief description

The specialist application serves two functional areas: On the one hand, the maintenance of master data on the prequalification procedure (PQV) (test catalog, supply areas and prequalification bodies) by the specialist department of the GKV and, on the other hand, the search for certificate information on service-providing establishments in the field of medical aids. In particular, the information is provided each week as an export for the participating health insurance companies. PTA provides the necessary quality assurance during the project development.


The development of the specialized application is done to replace an existing software, therefore the migration of the existing data into the new application is an important aspect of the project. The application is developed in .net and the necessary data is made available to the health insurance companies via a SAS report. The quality assurance of the project is based on a use case oriented creation of test cases in a test flow chart (Excel spreadsheet). The application is finally tested manually using end-to-end tests in a QA environment and any bugs are documented in Jira.

Subject description

The PQV specialist application is primarily used to manage the prequalification of service providers. The required data is supplied by prequalification bodies and stored in a database, from which the specialist application has access to the data. New prequalification bodies with their own test catalogs and test parameters can be stored in the application. Selected data can be exported as csv via an export.


Project period24.10.2022 - 25.11.2022

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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