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Real Time Availability Application

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

This web-application provides a quick and concise real-time overview over all machine statuses in the client's power plant portfolio. The most important KIPs, such as the overall available plant capacity or the number of currently ongoing outages are visualized as graphs. Furthermore, the data can be filtered or grouped to investigate the stats of different countries or machine types. Additional information on the individual machines, as well as upcoming planned outages are presented on the corresponding details pages.


The tech stack of this application consists of a .NET (C#) backend in combination with a frontend utilizing the Vue (Typescript/Javascript) framework. The backend queries data from different sources to combine and standardize. These data sources include a SQL-Server database, Snowflake and several API-Endpoints from other applications. The Frontend retrieves the processed data from the backend via an API-Endpoint and presents the data as a graph and as a table. Additional filters and data-grouping options are provided, as well as the option to show more details on a new page.

Subject description

This application is geared towards the upper management level of the client. The users will be able to get a real-time overview over all machine statuses and currently ongoing events at any time in the day. Therefore, an important aspect of the UI-design is the option to display the information on a mobile phone screen without making it significantly harder to read. All currently available solutions are not real time, very text heavy and do not provide any visualization to aid with processing the information.


Project period01.03.2024 - 31.05.2024

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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