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Realization of wholesale dropshipping processing models

Project duration: 3 years, 2 months

Brief description

For the customer, the implementation of new wholesale dropshipping (non-stock goods) processing models is necessary in order to enable scaling of the retailer business and to achieve the highest possible level of automation through digitalization of existing processes. The customer and supplier journey must be further developed according to the wholesale dropshipment model. PTA was given the agile project and requirements management for this project. The target processes and the resulting requirements are determined in analysis workshops with the department and IT teams. In the role of project navigator, progress must be monitored in the technical implementation phase.


In an agile approach, we work with a professional product team and the IT architecture to determine the basic end-to-end scenarios and use cases and locate them in a roadmap. For each upcoming iteration, use cases are prioritized and incorporated into a shooter project for subsequent processing. In the iteration, in process analysis modeling workshops with the specialist department and IT teams, detailed requirements or user stories are worked out, which are implemented in development sprints by the IT teams. As project navigators, we take on the process-related and holistic monitoring of the progress of implementation. This also includes intensive communication with those involved in the process and the control of the qualitative system integration test, as well as synchronization with other customer projects and customer measures.

Subject description

Various goals are being pursued with the new implementation of the non-stock management models and the establishment of a wholesale dropshipment management model. This includes the scalability of the retailer with a lean and efficient model in order to be able to optimally map mid-tail ranges and to offer a competitive range for suppliers. Furthermore, economic aspects with a broader and deeper range and better availability for customers are sought. In addition, technical stabilization with a reduction in technical heterogeneity and standardization of the interfaces is planned.

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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