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Redesigning communication with partners in the logistics process

Project duration: 2 years, 2 months

Brief description

In an existing logistics process of an internationally operating food retailer, the communication with the associated partners (including suppliers, forwarders) is extended by the new leading communication medium Managed file transfer (MFT) and the communication as a whole is redesigned and made traceable.


The application primarily affected by the redesign is a C#-.NET client application with front-end Infragistics 16.2 (partly also WPF) and an Oracle 12 DB in the background, which is connected to various systems via various interfaces (including web service, database links and Oracle Advanced Queuing). The PTA project team is responsible for the requirements analysis, the implementation of these requirements in C#, WPF and PL/SQL (including Oracle Advanced Queuing) and carries out upstream tests. In addition, it supervises the roll-out process of the adapted components, supports the integrative test on the customer side and provides support.

Subject description

The existing communication with partners in the logistics process is expanded to include the new leading communication medium Managed File Transfer (MFT). Communication via all media (existing ones such as fax, e-mail, EDI and, most recently, MFT) is being revised, historicised and made traceable. The revision includes, among other things, the expansion of the data (e.g. in the form of PDF or Excel files) that is exchanged with the partners. By creating a tracking system, users receive detailed information on the status of each transfer to the partner. This information is displayed in a monitor, where it is possible, for example, to trigger individual transmission processes again (if necessary, via another communication medium), to view the transmission history, to obtain files that have already been sent from a newly created archive or to obtain information that is necessary to clarify faulty transmission processes.

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Marcus Rödiger

Retail sector manager

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