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Rules engine for automatic controlling of transaction costs

Project duration: 8 months

Brief description

The rules engine allows the investment company to review all transaction costs systematically and on a regular basis.

Subject description

The application consists of data import from the fund accounting system, review of the transaction costs in accordance with the defined guidelines, logging of review results and various evaluation options. The review is batch controlled; evaluation takes place via a dialog application. After posting, the transaction is analyzed insofar as the condition is calculated and compared to the value supplied by the custodian bank. Settlement differences are identified, compared with the custodian bank and corrected by the custodian bank in the event of an error. Standard conditions are agreed initially when the fund is launched. These conditions are specific to the individual fund or are conditions that apply either to all funds of a custodian bank, or separately for public and special funds. In addition, special conditions also exist for the various custodian banks.  Aim: The checking rules can be defined by the department itself by using the rule team server.


Project period01.07.2007 - 15.02.2008

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