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SAP pricing tool

Project duration: 1 year, 3 months

Brief description

The SAP pricing tool is developed to fulfill the customer-specific pricing requirement. The focus here is on issues such as individual authorization, automatic price calculation, flexibility of the application with regard to various requirements from different areas, and improved clarity of the data evaluation. The application is now used in three SAP systems by six specialist departments.


The project applies to the interface between FI and SD. The data basis can either be created automatically from the previous year's prices using specially developed migration tools, or it can also be uploaded manually via Microsoft Excel. Various strategies can be created for pricing (e.g. rules for how a price is calculated). The strategies are freely adjustable and are represented as separate SD conditions. The materials to be calculated can be grouped together in various groups (ranges). The prices can be calculated automatically according to defined rules (strategies). This makes it possible to replace the critical SAP VK13 transaction.

Subject description

The functional requirement for this project was to replace the SAP transaction VK13. In addition, an individually programmed tool is to be replaced by a program developed in SAP for pricing. A newly created authorization concept now enables different departments to separately calculate prices at various levels on a single system. Users themselves are no longer authorized to use VK13 and therefore cannot change the real prices without a second person checking the price (four eyes principle). The application also makes it possible to group materials (structuring ranges in ERP without Retail), e.g. for different pricing strategies. This ensures greater clarity. The different pricing strategies also make it possible to carry out calculations automatically in the SAP system at different times: many of these calculations were previously executed manually in Excel.


Project period01.10.2008 - 31.12.2009

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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