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SAP R/3: support logistics

Project duration: 5 years, 6 months

Brief description

1st level and 2nd level support for the specialist departments (FI, CO, SD, MM), analysis of the requirements and adjusting to the implementation, debugging error messages and researching possible advance corrections in OSS, organizing the release of transports via the development, integration, training and production systems.


Supporting and further developing an R/3 system for logistics in power plant construction.

Subject description

The scope of tasks includes processing entire plants that are settled with an invoicing schedule in SD. Individual parts of the plant are procured logistically by means of manual demands. PS provides the cost units for the earnings statement. The WIP (work in progress) is derived from this. These restrictions fulfill the international accounting standards (IAS). In the case of internal orders, the basis for the earnings statement is created for the individual business areas. In addition, spare parts transactions are mapped. The entire process is mapped in the SAP system, from opportunities, to quotation, through to orders and accounting. This data forms the basis for a refined calculation of the rolling forecast in the logistics information system. Pricing plays a major role in spare parts transactions. Procurement scheduling is derived from the SD order.

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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