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Service scheduling

Project duration: 7 months

Brief description

Connection of standard software for service scheduling to existing applications and data storage systems.


The standard software is connected asynchronously for service scheduling. In other words, once a day, the master data is transferred to the scheduling tool from the mainframe inventory systems and the reports entered during the course of the day are returned to the existing system. Data is exchanged between the scheduling software and mainframe via text files and FTP. All the host programs are written in PL/1. Data is stored on the mainframe in a DB2 database.

Subject description

Servicing tasks, which include regular maintenance and repair of machines and tools, have to be planned and prepared in advance, like other services. This is especially true when it comes to field staff activities or if machinery and tool downtime for the customer must be kept to a minimum. In order to optimize the necessary scheduling process, service technicians require a suitable software system that provides them with information about service contracts or the working time required, for example. In terms of ensuring quality of service, the option of prompt compiling all necessary documentation plays an important role.


Project period01.03.2004 - 30.09.2004

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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