This is one of 4432 IT projects that we have successfully completed with our customers.

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Setting up and coaching a team of requirements managers at a network operator

Brief description

The software systems at an electricity grid operator need to be further developed in a more structured way and supplemented by a data platform. The data platform supports the management of data exchanged with external Partners or data for simulation and forecasting processes. By the additional introduction of a data-governance working with the processed data is facilitated and data quality is sustainable ensured. In this context, a team of requirements managers is set up to specify the necessary IT technical changes along the corporate strategy and to manage their implementation. PTA is supporting the development by coaching the team and the team members.


As part of the coaching, work processes are collected, documented and improved. Knowledge about modelling tools and methods in requirements management is imparted. The daily work of the employees is accompanied and supported as an individual coaching (training on the job). Furthermore, the development of an IT portfolio management for prioritizing the projects and the development of a capacity planning is part of the work.

Subject description

The objective is to increase the communication between the IT areas of data management, data governance and requirements management and to improve the efficiency in requirements management. By the introduction and operation of a data platform the network operator will gain better control of the network of partner companies in order to provide its services. The data platform will also provide the basis for improved simulations and network expansion planning.

Have we sparked your interest?

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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