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Support for test organizers

Project duration: 1 month

Brief description

In this project, test cases are created for automatic testing of the existing market economy system. A test case is used to check the GUI and business objects of the market economy system. These tests are used to simulate all the business processes in a market and to check that the data is correct.


The market economy system is a customer-specific development. The application consists of two main modules, the market economy system itself, and the cash register. The test cases are developed with JUnit and Abbot tools. The entries a user makes via the GUI are recorded with Abbot and automatically executed in the test run. The Abbot scripts are stored as XML files. The business objects are exported from the application, stored in the form of .properties files and imported for testing via JUnit with the help of integrated routines. Abbot scripts and the .properties files cover an entire test case.

Subject description

The market economy system is used in markets and maps all the activities for day-to-day business in a market. It therefore covers every function, from creating a campaign or an offer, cash register operations, creating labels and sales slips, through to inventory, reporting thefts, complaints and statistical evaluations. These processes are simulated and the correctness of the data is tested.


Project period16.04.2007 - 16.05.2007

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Marcus Rödiger, ein Mann mit braunen Haaren und Brille

Marcus Rödiger

Head of Consumer Goods & Retail

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