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Support in requirements engineering for a quote calculation system

Brief description

The customer is a leading pharmaceutical company. For the diagnostics division, the company has started a worldwide program to modernize the digital basis for business decisions and processing. Important goals are the optimization of data quality, end-to-end processes and collaboration of all parties involved. The program includes several projects applying to the quote calculation. In these, external consultants support the internal employees in business analysis and requirement engineering for relevant IT systems.


The focus of the support is the existing application for creating quotes. It is further modularized during ongoing operation (e.g. by creating web services) so that parts of it can be reused on the new technology platform. The support consists in the revision of concepts for modularization and the creation of concepts for new requirements as well as in the analysis of findings, which are reported by users. It take place in close communication with the agile team of software developers and product owners. Another part of the project is the generation of master data, the configuration of the test system and the creation of sample quotes for analysis and testing. Project language is English.

Subject description

The application enables users to calculate quotes for several customers and analyzers of different diagnostic areas. A central module is the determination of materials (reagents, controls, calibrators and consumables) required in the customer's laboratory, with all necessary quantities. Users can adapt these in the quote. New diagnostic analyzers and tests, chemicals, pack sizes and calculation algorithms are continuously integrated in the process. Another module is the determination of prices and discounts for single materials and boxes of multiple materials. Users can adjust these in the quote. New price models (e.g. for subscriptions) and options are continuously integrated in the process. To integrate the calculation of quotes into the IT environment, existing interfaces are converted to communicate with the Mulesoft API and new interfaces, which uses this API as well, are implemented.


Project start01.01.2022

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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