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Support of market communication for gas nominations

Project duration: 4 years, 5 months

Brief description

PTA is responsible for market communication in the area of gas nominations, which is carried out on the basis of the EDICom platform. Nominations are made via the IRM energy trading system and are exported as XML files. In addition to monitoring message transport, the ongoing tasks of PTA in application support include coordinating the connection of new market partners and controlling the implementation of regulatory measures. These include specifications for the communication protocols and the encryption and signing algorithms to be used. These requirements are usually set by the associations BDEW and ENTSO-G.


Monitoring based on the Foglight standard software ensures the availability of communication with market partners. In addition to the application servers, the runtimes of the customer's certificates and market partners are among the artifacts monitored by agents, since secure data transfer is not possible without them. In addition, error messages that have occurred in the conversion or shipping process are evaluated with direct forwarding to the relevant departments in order to shorten response times. The agents are implemented mainly on the basis of SQL queries, PowerShell scripts and C#. Messages are transmitted in EDICom in the EDIFACT subset EDIGAS via the communication protocols AS2 or AS4 and nominations are made via the energy trading console applications.

Subject description

The gas nominations are carried out in several sections. First, a preliminary nomination is made, which is fully automated two days in advance. The basis of this automation is a sequence in the IRM trading system, via which the files for conversion by EDICom are exported into corresponding directories. Dayahead nominations are initially carried out at noon by the balancing group management gas. The balancing group management is also responsible for Dayahead adjustments, which are reported as renominations to the market partners in the course of the afternoon. Intraday transactions are carried out 24/7 by the customer's short-term traders. These send the resulting adjusted nominations to the market partners.

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Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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