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Technical consulting for an IT tender in the context of DxP

Project duration: 10 months

Brief description

With the introduction of a central globally accessible customer portal, access is to be simplified, processes partially standardized and cost savings achieved. For this purpose, standard software is to be set up in the cloud on the basis of a Digital Experience Platform (DxP). The PTA supports the tender process to find a suitable IT service provider. On the one hand, quality assurance of the technical requirements and the planned Scrum procedure is carried out. On the other hand, the selection process is accompanied with regard to the technical evaluation of submitted offers as well as the bidder discussions. At the end, the PTA makes a recommendation for the most suitable bidder (from a technical point of view).


The PTA has reviewed the prepared RFP documents and provided appropriate comments. The handover takes place in the form of online meetings. After adaptation of the documents by the customer, a second final review of the tender documents takes place. Subsequently, the documents are published in the tender. After receipt of the bids by the bidder, the PTA checks the technical part of each bid and evaluates them. The technical ambiguities are attempted to be clarified in the individual bidder discussions with the support of the PTA. Subsequently, the PTA prepares a technical evaluation overview and a recommendation for a bidder.

Subject description

The central customer portal should be usable by both employees and members (customers). One use case, for example, is the management of information events. Here, a complete end-2-end process mapping is to take place from the target group-oriented approach to booking and billing. Other systems (services), e.g. payment services, are directly integrated. This platform can be extended as required to include other processes and services.


Project period01.03.2022 - 31.12.2022

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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