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Technology update IT self-disclosure

Project duration: 3 months

Brief description

The existing intranet solution based on .NET MVC 5 (classic) technology is being converted to the current .NET Core Version 5.0. In the course of this, extensive adjustments are being made in the UI area to modernise and align the look and feel with the company's common intranet applications. The parallel replacement of the company's standard browser Internet Explorer 11 enables the modernisation of used JavaScript functionalities and libraries according to standard ES6 ff, which is associated with a medium-term reduction in maintenance costs. At the same time, the new components enable a gain in performance and comfort for the user.


The application uses current ASP MVC core technologies supplemented by UI / JavaScript libraries such as Bootstrap 4.0, jquery and ag-grid. Various central SQL server databases are used for data storage in order to display personnel master data, authorisation information and personally assigned hardware and software in a user-specific manner. Tickets are automatically created in the ITSM tool or IT requests in SAP via SMTP or by using a web service component.

Subject description

The tool is intended to contribute significantly to ensuring/improving the quality of personal master data in the company or to pointing out potential savings in the use of IT resources. In addition, it is possible to uncover potential security problems due to incorrectly assigned system authorisations.


Project period01.10.2021 - 31.12.2021

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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