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Transformation of an Integration Platform used for Energy Trading and Whole Sales Business

Brief description

In order to make the integration of the trading systems and the subsequent balancing group systems of a power plant operator more stable and future-proof, new integration technologies and far-reaching improvements of the existing integration solutions are implemented. Within the project, frameworks and standards will be introduced to implement technological and operational patterns in order to create standards that increase the stability of the solutions, reduce complexity and simplify maintenance. In addition, the existing interfaces will be modernized. PTA is responsible for communicating and managing the development teams with regard to the testing activities associated with the implementation of the interfaces, and communicating with external business stakeholders.


Regular meetings are held to track progress on all testing activities. The test activities are implemented in Azure DevOps, in which the test cases, test executions and issues are documented. PTA is also in regular communication with the operational teams to align expectations and inform about the current progress.

Subject description

Based on an agreed prioritization, a majority of the existing interfaces are modernized. An agile approach is used as method for steering the project.


Project start01.07.2021

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Head of Energy

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