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Transition of the support of reports

Project duration: 1 month

Brief description

In the transition project before taking over the support, a knowledge transfer takes place for the transfer of the support of the creation of reports and reports from the customer to the PTA. Data structure and creation processes are analysed. This is also done in view of a future migration of the report creation process to a new system.


The data on which the generation of reports is based is stored centrally in a data warehouse. The reports are created using BIRT Report Designer, the reports on a ReportServer. A Zendesk API is used to access the data. At a later stage, reports will be created using Power BI. The processes for creating the reports and reports will be analysed for support on the legacy systems and with regard to the migration to Power BI.

Subject description

The future migration to Power BI will immensely facilitate the creation and support of reports and reports.


Project period01.06.2022 - 30.06.2022

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Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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